torek, 20. marec 2007

Pocitnice Na Hrvaskem :]

Preberite si kaj piše na slikci :D btw , upam da so grki kj bl inteligentni :P

How to crash an in-flight entertainment system

One of the most interesting examples of a software "abuse case" came to me rather abruptly on an airplane flight from Las Vegas to Orlando in mid 2005.

Each seat in the airplane had a small touch screen monitor built into the head rest of the chair in front, and on this particular airline, passengers could watch a variety of television channels and play a few simple games. One such game looked remarkably similar to the classic strategy game Tetris, where players use their skills to manipulate falling blocks on a screen to try and form horizontal lines. I'm a big fan of Tetris; for a few months in 1998 I was borderline obsessed with it. I would start looking at everyday objects and start mentally fitting them together with other tings in the room to form weird line configurations. One of the options on this particular airborne version of Tetris was to alter the number of blocks one could see in advance on the screen before they started falling.

To give myself the biggest advantage in the game, I pressed the + control as many times as it would allow and got to the maximum value of 4. I then put on my "bad guy" hat on and asked: How *else* can I change the value in this field? Near my armrest was a small phone console; you know, the one where you can make very important calls for a mere $22 per minute. I noticed that the phone had a numeric keypad and that it also controlled this television monitor embedded in the seat in front of me.

I then touched the screen in front of me to highlight the number "4" in the options configuration shown in Figure 1. I tried to enter the number 10 into that field through the phone keypad with no luck: it first changed to the number "1" followed by the number "0". Frustrated, I then made the assumption that it would only accept single digit values. My next test case was the number "8"; no luck there either, the number didn't change at all. I then tried the number 5: success! '5' is an interesting test case, it's a "boundary value" just beyond the maximum allowed value of the field which was '4'. A classic programming mistake is to be off by 1 when coding constraints. For example, the programmer may have intended to code the statements:

Cajcek :]

Tale slikca pa prikazuje kako ponavadi mihc zacne dan :] taki solski dnevi so misleni ne pa uni k spim doma pa se mi nix neda :P

Obvoz :] ( wtf O_o ?? )

slika pove vec kot tisoc besed ,.. tale tabla se pa nahaja nek v kranju vid se pa s mosta :P sred reke :D

sobota, 17. marec 2007

Hacky :]

Ok vcerj sm biu v ljubljani ,.. pa nekako pristal v Poljanah :P ... k me je en klicu ce sem v ljubljani slucajn .. pa preprical so me da grem brcanje tele zadevce probat , ok sm prezivel ,.. ceprov bi blo treba dost vaje se hehe ... vaja dela mojstra ...

petek, 9. marec 2007

Penguin Revolution

Moja nova manga :] .... vec o zgodbi pa ko se mi bo dalo prevajat iz anglescine opis... zle sm mal prevec zmatran....

miha po japonsko :]

tkole se pa napise v japonscini miha :

Japonscina - Piskotek

Piskotki :] ( nam povedu vsebine k mam tle za shortota ozr denisa en piskotek k sm mu ga zrihtu da nebi zamudu slucajn tega :D ) zlo zanimiva zadevica... hihi :P

sreda, 7. marec 2007


Pa je zaceu mihc hodt na brezplacni 14 dnevni tecaj japonscine :P Za 1x sta za mano 2 x po 1 ura pa pou lekcij :] zlo zanima zadeva in sm zlo happy da sm prsu med tistih 20 k se lohk zj ucijo :]
Aja pa naredu sm clo par fotk k jih bom ob prilki dodal smle gor :] presetila me tud okolic filozofske fakultete :P ( ali pozitivno ali negativno pa boste vidl s fotk )